Transforming Lives in South Tampa: Meet Competitive Edge Physical Therapy

Hello Perform24 Community!

If you are a Perform24 member or if you follow us on social media, you may already know Brock Labelle and CEP, Competitive Edge Physical Therapy located in South Tampa. Brock is regularly training with us at 6am, and he's helped facilitate our Force Deck testing for Squatober. If you don't know who he is or what CEP is all about, we wanted him to share.

At Perform24 we value local professional relationships. The human body can be a complicated puzzle, and many times we rely on experts outside the weight room. Brock and CEP have become major resources for us and our clients that require additional professional attention.

Meet Brock Labelle, Physical Therapist, for Competitive Edge Physical Therapy in South Tampa! Let’s dive into what Competitive Edge Physical Therapy is, who they serve, and what makes them special!

Let's start by getting to know you better. Share your journey - where are you from and how you ended up in Tampa?

 I’m originally from Toledo, Ohio but have been fortunate to live all over the place including Toronto, Vermont and Memphis. I’m a former college hockey player turned avid golfer, sports fanatic, sneakerhead and lover of all things fitness/rehab related. Upon receiving my B.S. in Exercise Science from Castleton University, I packed up and moved to Florida to attend Gannon University’s Doctor of Physical Therapy program which I completed in 2020. Shortly following graduation I began my work at CEP! I’m very passionate about helping people achieve their goals, improving the health and wellness of the community and advancing the physical therapy profession.

What made you pursue a career as a physical therapist. What was the driving force behind your decision?

Like most athletes I was in and out of training rooms throughout my career. Injuries are an unfortunate truth of almost every athletes story. I had a positive PT experience when I first went to receive treatment in high school and from that moment on I knew that I wanted to pursue this career. Although it started wanting to be close to sports, my love for this profession has grown the more time I spend working my dream job and every day I strive to provide that same level of care and attention that I received on my first visit.

Can you give us the background of CEP.  Where did it start and how did it grow?

 CEP first opened its doors in 2007 with the simple message that results matter. All along we have strived to put the care back in health care, providing a unique and personal experience that helps you achieve your individual goals. We originally started in the Westchase / Oldsmar area before opening our second stand alone clinic in South Tampa in 2019. We are continuing to grow every day to best serve our community with a focus on providing an outcome and experience that is unlike any other medical facility.

What sets the CEP team apart from other physical therapy practices? We want to let our community know the qualities that make CEP stand out in the crowd.

 On top of our technology focused approach, CEP provides one on one care which is uncommon to most physical therapy practices. You will have the full attention of the same physical therapist every session. At CEP we provide a full body approach to our care, rather than focusing on one joint to assist in full body healing. In the event that an outside referral is necessary, we are well connected with the major doctors in town to ensure quick turnaround on care.

At CEP, who do you typically work with?

At CEP we work with all types of patients. Me personally, I have worked with all ages from 6-97. We work with athletes ranging from beginner to professional and even Olympic level. Our offices have an athletic approach towards rehab and our doors are open to anyone. We are in network with tricare and due to our close proximity to MacDill AFB and the Coast Guard base we see a high volume of military service members and their families. We are also in network with medicare and enjoy keeping the aging population active and accomplishing their goals. We treat any dysfunction or impairment ranging from soft tissue injury, pre & post operative care, balance, vertigo, fractures and general strengthening to name a few.

What types of services do you offer?

 We have a highly knowledgeable staff who are all skilled in delivering a wide variety of services. We offer multiple new and innovative technologies that assist and accelerate recovery time. As well as offering the full array of soft tissue modalities.

Does CEP use any equipment that is unique in the Physical Therapy space?

  •  Neubie - this is our crown jewel! The neubie is an electrical stimulation device that works on the nervous system using direct current to improve neuromuscular connection, increase muscle contractility, decrease chronic pain, improve vagal tone, reduce edema and allow our patients to move more efficiently. CEP is the FIRST clinic to ever bring the neubie to the market and we developed all of the protocols for how the device is used in house. We now educate and onboard the device for medical practitioners all over the county.  

  • HRV Assessments - do you ever experience road rage, feel burnt out, feel sluggish or tired? Heart rate variability (HRV) is a measurement that provides an assessment of your body’s autonomic nervous system. Poor HRV would lead to poor performance, fatigue and burn out. Regularly screening our patients helps us ensure we are maximizing the plan of care, helping to best achieve your goals.

  • Winback - Tecar is high frequency alternating current. We use this to relieve pain, increase temperature of working tissue and to improve cellular exchanges. This device helps our patients gain range of motion and improve blood flow.

  • PEMF - Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy has a number of uses including autonomic nervous system regulation, pain relief, fracture healing and management of inflammation. This device directs pulsed energy waves toward damaged or injured areas of a patient’s body. With PEMF therapy, the cells of the body are “recharged”, making it easier for the body to restore its health status. 

Let's debunk some common misconceptions about physical therapy. What are the most prevalent misunderstandings that people have, and how do you try to set the record straight?

  • PT is for everyone - doesn’t matter your age or impairment, our clinicians can evaluate and create an individualized plan specifically for you.

  •   Do I need to go to the doctor first? No! PTs in the state of Florida have fought hard for direct access. Just give our office a call and we can assist you in getting started.

  • You don’t have to be hurt to come to PT - our team specializes in prehab and injury prevention. Many of our patients have utilized our services to stay on the field, continue lifting weights, as a regular workout or to stay active overall

  • Ive tried PT and it didnt work for me - I hear this multiple times a week and it always hits a nerve for me. I promise you will have a different experience at CEP. We have built our reputation on creating successful outcomes on the toughest cases. Our approach is different than anything you have tried previously and I’m confident it can help you.

The Physical Therapy space is evolving quickly. How has CEP evolved since you’ve been with them?

 At CEP we continue to evolve everyday. We have and always will be on the forefront of implementing technology to our practice. Since joining the team we have brought on a number of new technologies, invested in our staff and strengthened community partnerships all with the goal of improving our patient experience and outcome. We strive to become the premier physical therapy location in town and to help as many people as possible.

What’s next for CEP and the team?

At CEP we are committed to our therapists professional development through continuing education and hosting staff wide bootcamps led by senior clinicians. We will continue to be at the forefront of bringing new technology into our profession to best assist our patients. We are always looking for new opportunities to get more connected in our community. If you ever see us at a function stop by and say hello!

Big thanks to Brock Labelle with CEP for allowing us to learn more about who CEP is and how they’re serving our local community!

You can find out more about Competitive Edge Physical Therapy by checking out their website below, following them on social or stopping by.

Address: 3105 W Bay to Bay Blvd, Tampa, FL 33629|Office number: (813) 849-0150|Website:


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