3 Months of Unlimited Cold Plunge and Sauna for $99 per month! (A $750 value)

What is P24 Restore?

Welcome to P24 Restore, your ultimate self-led recovery experience. Our state-of-the-art facility features an Almost Heaven Grayson Sauna that comfortably accommodates up to 4 people, as well as two Plunge cold tubs, each designed for 2 individuals. Prior to each visit, we provide detailed session protocols, which are also displayed throughout the facility, to ensure you have a smooth and effective recovery session.

Cold Plunge

Dive into Wellness with Cold Plunge Therapy

What is Cold Plunge Therapy?

Cold plunge therapy involves immersing the body in cold water to trigger beneficial physiological responses. This practice rapidly releases adrenaline and endorphins, helping to regulate cortisol levels, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. Regular cold plunge therapy improves the body's stress management, boosts neurotransmitters, metabolism, cardiovascular health, sleep quality, mood, and aids in recovery and pain relief. It is an effective method to reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and enhance muscle recovery. Ideal for stress management and overall health, cold plunge therapy is a powerful addition to any wellness routine.


Cold Plunge Therapy FAQS

  • The optimal temperature for a cold plunge typically ranges between 50 to 59 degrees Fahrenheit (10 to 15 degrees Celsius), although individual preferences may vary. This temperature range effectively triggers physiological responses like vasoconstriction and endorphin release. It's important to gauge your own tolerance and gradually acclimate to lower temperatures for a safe and comfortable experience. We offer two tub options: the first set between 45-48 degrees for experienced users who prefer colder temperatures, and the second set between 50-55 degrees.

  • The duration of your cold plunge session depends on your experience level and comfort. Beginners typically start with 30 seconds to 1 minute and gradually increase the time as they acclimate to the cold. Listen to your body and exit when you feel it's time. Safety is paramount, so extend your exposure gradually over time. As you become more experienced, you may be able to stay in for up to 15 minutes. Always prioritize listening to your body.

  • Yes, you can alternate between cold plunge and sauna for contrast therapy, enhancing overall benefits. Rotating between the two services can optimize recovery and well-being.

  • 1. Stress Reduction: Cold water immersion triggers the release of adrenaline and endorphins, helping to regulate cortisol levels and reduce stress.

    2. Enhanced Recovery: Cold plunging post-workout aids in muscle recovery, reduces soreness, and improves performance for up to 24 hours.

    3. Improved Circulation: Cold water immersion stimulates blood flow, enhancing circulation throughout the body.

    4. Pain Relief: Cold plunge therapy's anti-inflammatory properties effectively manage pain and soreness from both tough workouts and everyday stresses.

    5. Mood Enhancement: Cold water immersion releases endorphins, improving mood and physiological well-being.

    6. Boosted Immunity:Regular cold plunge sessions can strengthen the immune system, helping the body to fend off illnesses.

    7. Increased Metabolism: Cold water immersion can boost metabolism, aiding in weight management and improving overall metabolic function.

    8. Better Sleep: Cold plunge therapy can promote better sleep quality, leading to improved rest and recovery.

    9. Accelerated Recovery: Cold plunging after high-intensity exercise positively impacts muscular power, recovery, and performance.

    10. Reduction in Inflammation: Cold plunge therapy's anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce inflammation, promoting overall health and well-being.

  • Cold therapy can be very helpful, but we recommend discussing cold plunging with your medical professional before taking it up. Pregnant women and children should not use cold plunges. People with heart conditions, high blood pressure, circulatory problems, or other conditions related to cold sensitivity specifically should discuss whether cold plunging is okay for them with their doctors.

  • There is debate on how often a person should cold plunge to achieve particular health benefits; it likely depends on what benefits you are hoping to get from the experience. If you are using cold plunging to aid after-workout recovery, do it after workouts. Other people do it two or three times a week, others daily, others twice daily.

  • Yes; there are many people who use cold plunging as part of a weight-loss routine.

    Cold exposure activates a type of fat called brown fat, which helps burn fatty acids and improves thermoregulation. This fat also interacts with gut hormones to regulate feelings of fullness, potentially aiding in weight management. Research suggests that by activating brown fat through cold exposure, individuals may have better control over their weight.

  • 16+ and up can plunge with a signed waiver from adult or guardian.

  • -Swimsuit or athletic clothes you’re ok with getting completely soaked

    -Rubber flip flops but please do not wear shoes in the plunges

    -Change of Dry Clothes



3 Months of Unlimited Cold Plunge and Sauna for $99 per month! (A $750 value)


Heat Up Your Wellness Journey with Our Sauna Experience

What is Sauna/Heat Therapy?

Sauna or heat therapy involves exposing the body to elevated temperatures in a controlled environment, typically in a sauna room or chamber. This therapy induces sweating and promotes relaxation, as well as numerous health benefits. By increasing circulation, heat therapy can alleviate muscle tension, improve cardiovascular health, and aid in detoxification through sweating. Additionally, sauna sessions are known to enhance skin health, promote stress relief, and contribute to overall well-being. Heat therapy offers a rejuvenating experience for both body and mind, providing a sanctuary for relaxation and holistic wellness.

Sauna/Heat Therapy FAQS

  • A traditional sauna is a room made from softwood and that incorporates a heater that is capable of reaching at least 170° Fahrenheit. A Traditional sauna offers a range of benefits starting at 140-185F+. An average healthy individual can tolerate that kind of heat because it is a dry environment with extremely low humidity. This is called a dry sauna experience.

  • Taking a sauna is traditionally a rotation of dry, wet, dry, wet, etc. with cool-down breaks in between. A cool-down break can be anything as basic as sitting outside the sauna until you’re ready to enter again or it can be cold plunging which is known as contrast therapy.

  • The duration of a sauna session varies depending on personal preference and tolerance. Beginners typically start with 10-15 minutes and gradually increase to 20-30 minutes. It's important to listen to your body and exit if you feel uncomfortable.

  • 1.Relaxation: Sauna sessions promote relaxation and help alleviate stress and tension, providing a calming effect on the body and mind.

    2. Muscle Relaxation: Heat therapy can relieve muscle tension and soreness, promoting muscle relaxation and aiding in post-exercise recovery.

    3. Improved Circulation: Sauna sessions increase blood flow and circulation, which can help deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues throughout the body.

    4. Detoxification: Sweating induced by sauna heat helps eliminate toxins and impurities from the body through the skin, supporting detoxification and cleansing.

    5. Enhanced Skin Health: Sauna therapy can improve skin tone, texture, and clarity by promoting sweating, opening pores, and removing dead skin cells.

    6. Cardiovascular Benefits: Regular sauna use may have cardiovascular benefits, including improved heart health, reduced blood pressure, and enhanced cardiovascular function.

    7. Pain Relief: Heat therapy can help alleviate chronic pain conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and muscle aches by increasing blood flow and promoting relaxation.

    8. Stress Reduction: Sauna sessions stimulate the release of endorphins, promoting feelings of well-being and relaxation, and reducing stress levels.

    9. Improved Sleep: Sauna therapy can promote better sleep quality by relaxing the body and mind, leading to deeper and more restful sleep.

    10. Immune Support: Heat therapy may support immune function by increasing circulation, promoting detoxification, and reducing stress, helping the body defend against illness and infection.

  • Taking a sauna is not suitable for everyone, as certain individuals may have medical conditions or health concerns that could be exacerbated by heat exposure. People with cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure, pregnancy, and certain other health conditions should consult with a healthcare professional before using a sauna. Additionally, individuals who are sensitive to heat or have difficulty regulating body temperature may need to exercise caution or avoid sauna use altogether. It's important to prioritize safety and consider individual health needs when considering sauna therapy.

  • Frequency of sauna use depends on individual goals and health status. Many people enjoy sauna sessions 2-3 times per week, while others may use it daily. It's essential to balance sauna use with hydration and rest.

  • By definition, a sauna is a room where water is used to generate steam, so technically the infrared experience is not a sauna at all. Infrared does not warm the room but instead penetrates the body with infrared rays. It does so at a low temperature and is helpful in relieving sore joints and muscles. The proper definition for the infrared experience is to refer to it as an “infrared therapy room.” The effect of a traditional sauna is a total body experience, providing joint and muscle relief as well as a host of other health benefits.

  • While sauna use can lead to temporary weight loss through sweating, it primarily helps to eliminate excess water weight rather than fat loss. Sauna sessions can contribute to calorie expenditure, but they are not a substitute for regular exercise and a healthy diet when it comes to sustainable weight loss. However, sauna therapy can complement a weight loss regimen by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and aiding in post-exercise recovery, which may indirectly support weight management goals. It's essential to maintain a balanced approach to weight loss that includes regular physical activity, a nutritious diet, and other healthy lifestyle habits.

  • 16+ and up can sauna with a signed waiver from adult or guardian.

  • -Swimsuit or athletic clothes

    -Rubber flip flops but please remove these before entering the sauna

    -Change of Dry Clothes


Contrast Therapy

Thrive in Balance: Discover the Healing Potential of Contrast Therapy

Contrast Therapy FAQS

  • Contrast therapy involves alternating between exposure to hot and cold temperatures to promote various health benefits. In the context of sauna and cold plunging, contrast therapy typically involves alternating between sessions in a sauna or hot environment and sessions in a cold plunge pool or cold shower.

    During contrast therapy, the body experiences rapid changes in temperature, which can enhance circulation, promote detoxification, reduce inflammation, and improve recovery from exercise or injury. The heat from the sauna dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow to the skin, while the cold plunge causes vasoconstriction and helps reduce inflammation.

    The alternating exposure to hot and cold temperatures can also stimulate the release of endorphins, promote relaxation, and improve overall well-being. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting contrast therapy, especially if you have underlying health conditions.

  • 1. Start with Heat: Begin your session with 10-15 minutes in the sauna. Allow your body to warm up and relax as you enjoy the heat.

    2. Enter the Cold Plunge: Enter the cold plunge pool for 1-3 minutes. Focus on breathing deeply and staying relaxed as your body adjusts to the cold temperature.

    3. Repeat the Cycle: Alternate between the sauna and cold plunge several times, typically 2-3 cycles. Start with shorter durations and gradually increase as you become accustomed to the contrast therapy.

    4. End with Warmth: Finish your contrast therapy session with another short stint in the sauna to warm up your body and promote relaxation.

    5. Hydrate and Rest: Drink plenty of water after your session to rehydrate, and allow your body time to rest and recover.

    6. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds to the contrast therapy and adjust the intensity and duration accordingly. If you experience any discomfort or adverse effects, stop the session and seek medical advice if necessary.

  • The duration of a sauna session varies depending on personal preference and tolerance. Beginners typically start with 10-15 minutes and gradually increase to 20-30 minutes. It's important to listen to your body and exit if you feel uncomfortable.

  • 1. Enhanced Circulation: Alternating between heat and cold promotes vasodilation (expansion of blood vessels) and vasoconstriction (contraction of blood vessels), which improves circulation and nutrient delivery throughout the body.

    2. Accelerated Recovery: The contrast between hot and cold temperatures helps to reduce inflammation and promote faster recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage and injuries.

    3. Detoxification: Sweating in the sauna aids in detoxification by eliminating toxins through the skin, while the cold plunge stimulates the lymphatic system, helping to flush out metabolic waste products.

    4. Stress Reduction: Contrast therapy promotes relaxation and stress relief by stimulating the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good hormones.

    5. Improved Immunity: Regular contrast therapy sessions may strengthen the immune system by enhancing circulation and promoting lymphatic drainage, which helps the body defend against infections and illnesses.

    6. Muscle Relaxation: Alternating between heat and cold helps to relieve muscle tension and soreness, promoting muscle relaxation and reducing the risk of muscle cramps and injuries.

    7. Enhanced Athletic Performance: Contrast therapy may improve athletic performance by optimizing recovery, reducing muscle fatigue, and enhancing overall physical conditioning.

    8. Skin Health: The combination of heat and cold therapy can improve skin tone, texture, and clarity by promoting blood flow and stimulating collagen production.

  • Contrast therapy may not be suitable for everyone, particularly individuals with certain medical conditions or health concerns. Individuals with cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure, Raynaud's disease, circulation disorders, diabetes, or pregnancy should consult with a healthcare professional before attempting contrast therapy. Additionally, those who are sensitive to extreme temperatures or have difficulty regulating body temperature may need to exercise caution or avoid contrast therapy altogether. It's essential to prioritize safety and consider individual health needs when considering contrast therapy. Consulting with a healthcare professional can help determine if contrast therapy is safe and appropriate for you.

  • The frequency of contrast therapy sessions can vary depending on individual health status, tolerance, and goals. In general, it's recommended to start with one or two contrast therapy sessions per week and gradually increase frequency as tolerated. Some individuals may benefit from more frequent sessions, while others may require longer intervals between sessions for adequate recovery.

    It's important to listen to your body and pay attention to how you feel after each contrast therapy session. If you experience any discomfort, fatigue, or other adverse effects, it may be a sign that you need to reduce the frequency or duration of your sessions. Additionally, consulting with a healthcare professional can help determine an appropriate frequency of contrast therapy based on your individual needs and health status.

  • While contrast therapy may have potential benefits for weight management through mechanisms such as brown fat activation and increased calorie expenditure, its role in promoting significant weight loss relative to brown fat activation is not definitively established and may vary among individuals. It's essential to incorporate contrast therapy as part of a comprehensive approach to weight management, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and healthy lifestyle habits.

  • 16+ and up can sauna with a signed waiver from adult or guardian.

  • -Swimsuit or clothes you’re ok with getting completely soaked

    -Rubber Flip Flops

    -Change of Dry Clothes


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