Cold Plunge Protocols

Dive into Wellness with Cold Plunge Therapy

Enter the Plunge:

Please remove all footwear before entering the plunge

Carefully step into the plunge.

Immerse yourself up to your shoulders for the most effective results.

For Beginners:

1st Plunge:1 minute

Rest and Warm Up:5 minutes

2nd Plunge (if you choose to plunge again):1-2 minutes

Rest and Warm Up: 5 minutes

For Experienced Users:

1st Plunge:3 minutes

Rest and Warm Up: 5 minutes

2nd Plunge (if you choose to plunge again):3-5 minutes

Rest and Warm Up: 5 minutes

3rd Plunge: 5 minutes

(only if comfortable and experienced)


If you have any underlying health conditions or are pregnant, you should consult with your doctor beforehand.

Sauna Protocols

Heat Up Your Wellness Journey with Our Sauna Experience

Enter the Sauna:

Open the door slowly to prevent heat loss. Enter the sauna and find a comfortable seating position.

Take deep, slow breaths to help your body adjust to the heat.

For Beginners:

1st Session: 10-15 minutes

Cool Down and Rest: 5 minutes

2nd Session (if you choose to sauna again): 10-15 minutes

Cool Down and Rest: 5 minutes

For Experienced Users:

1st Session: 15-20 minutes

Cool Down and Rest: 5-10 minutes

2nd Session (if you choose to sauna again): 15-20 minutes

Cool Down and Rest: 5-10 minutes

3rd Session (only if comfortable and experienced): 10-15 minutes


If you have any underlying health conditions or are pregnant, you should consult with your doctor beforehand.

Contrast Therapy Protocol

Thrive in Balance: Discover the Healing Potential of Contrast Therapy

Start with the Sauna

Duration: Begin with 10-15 mins in the sauna.

Procedure: Enter the sauna and find a comfortable seating position. Relax and take deep breaths.

Transition to Cold Plunge

Duration:Start with 1-3 mins in the cold plunge.

Procedure: Carefully enter the cold plunge pool, immersing yourself up to your shoulders. Monitor your body’s response and exit if you experience any discomfort.

Repeat the Cycle

Sauna: 10-15 mins

Cold Plunge: 1-3 mins

Number of Cycles: Repeat the cycle 2-3 times, depending on your comfort and experience level.


If you have any underlying health conditions or are pregnant, you should consult with your doctor beforehand.

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