Perform24 + Squatober!

Every year, Sorinex throws an online event for the month of October that they’ve dubbed “Squatober.” They describe the event as “The World’s Largest Knee Bending Party.”

This is how Squatober works.

Every WEEKDAY of October, we will be Barbell Back Squatting. Sorinex will be writing and sharing the program on their Instagram page. Anyone who follows their account, or the Official Squatober Instagram page, will have access to the program and is free to participate.

Sorinex also creates a Annual T-Shirt to commemorate the event. This year, they are taking ALL profits from the T-Shirt sales and will be outfitting an underprivileged high school with a full, professional grade weight room. I love this so much.

View the T-Shirt here if you’re interested in purchasing and and supporting the high school build.

Here is HOW I’m participating.

I’ll be following the Squat Program to the T. No exceptions. No missing lifts. And no cruise control.

It will be terrible. I’ll be sore. The month will be long.

Historically, Sorinex will also be including Auxiliary movements to support the Primary Squat sequence for each day. I will follow this closely, but I am going to leave a little wiggle room to elaborate on my Aux circuits. Also, I have a feeling I’ll be adding some of my own conditioning a few days a week.

Here is WHY I’m participating.

First, I just think this is awesome. And I want to support awesome ideas and awesome communities.

Second, I’m not going to have to build the program. I just show up and execute. This is very intriguing to me right now as it’s one thing off my plate that I don’t have to personally organize.

Third, this is exactly the kind of challenge that will ground me as I attack the final stages of 2020. I’ll have a singular focus with my training and the daily grind optimizing ONE movement will have crossover to how I’m approaching other areas of my life.

Fourth, I SUCK at back squat. I haven’t intentionally pursued improving my back squat in a long time. In the world of physical performance, improving your weak spots is the easiest path to overall progress. I have a feeling that on October 31 my body is going to be in an incredible place due to Squatober. And, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited for a new Personal Record under the bar.

What does this mean for Perform24?

You best believe that the entire Perform24 family has been second-hand signed up for Squatober. Haha!

I am not going to be putting any of my clients through the Squatober programming, but some of the macro physical and mental themes are going to overflow into their programming. Perform24 Family - you’ve now been warned.

Each week for the month of October I’m going to add a specific challenge.

Week 1 will be 100 Bodyweight Squats during EVERY Perform24 workout. We will stick to your normal program, but you owe Sorinex 100 Bodyweight Squats. You can complete them at the end, at the beginning, or break them up throughout your entire workout. As long as you get to 100 reps during every session, you’re clear to move on to Week 2.

I’ll release the Week 2 Challenge as we get closer to that time.

Get your mind right.

We’ll get your body right.

Enjoy the last few days of September 😁

Sorinex Official Squatober 2020 T-Shirt

Sorinex Official Squatober 2020 T-Shirt

Official Squatober Schedule via @sorinex_squatober Instagram page.

Official Squatober Schedule via @sorinex_squatober Instagram page.


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