Shakes, Diets, and Gym Deals...Oh My!
As the New Year begins, it’s easy to get lured in by quick fixes for your health and fitness goals—like crash diets, trendy shakes, or the “sign up now, no money down” gym deals. They sound great at first, but more often than not, they lead to frustration and setbacks. So, how do you know if a plan is actually going to work for the long haul?
1. Is it sustainable? Can you see yourself doing this for years, or is it just a short-term gimmick?
2. Is it safe? What are the long-term effects on your health?
3. Does it build over time? Will this choice make you better in the long run?
4. Does it hold up under scrutiny? If it has to be kept secret, it’s probably not a good idea.
Here’s how these questions stack up against some common health trends:
Weight Loss Shakes: These often fail the test. They’re unsustainable, can harm your metabolism, and rely on unhealthy additives. Once you stop, the weight tends to return—and often as fat.
Diets (Keto, Paleo, etc.): While some have benefits, most aren’t sustainable for life and can lead to yo-yo dieting or unhealthy relationships with food. Cutting entire food groups or overhauling your diet completely is rarely sustainable. And the rebound effects? Not worth it.
Joining a Gym: A solid choice, especially if it offers variety and helps you build habits over time. Gyms provide a space to move and grow, and if you’re consistent, you’ll see long-term benefits. Just remember, variety in your workouts keeps things interesting and effective.
Hiring a Personalized Training: This is where the magic happens. Personalized coaching creates a sustainable, safe, and effective plan tailored to you and your unique goals. Individualized support helps you stay consistent, safe, and focused. The accountability and goal-setting make it a great investment in your health.
As you set your goals for the new year, don’t get sidetracked by shortcuts that sound too good to be true. Focus on strategies that are sustainable, healthy, and proven to help you grow—it's about building habits that stick and help you to live your best life.